What is NAOMI?

What's Naomi?

Naomi's shops were created in Estonia and have been operating since 1995. The collections of our stores is skillfully combined with noortepärased trends and classic style. Naomi offers personalized clothes for women of all ages and a wide variety of accessories. The Kleidivalik is great for Naomis and the price range varies. There are some fancy õhtukleites, both Šifooni, litrite, and lace; Kokteilikleite as simpler and complex as the igapäevakleite for each taste. What's Naomi? We are open in the Kistines shopping centre in Tallinn, Endla 45. Tel: 6825574 WW Passaži Shopping Centre in Tallinn, Aia 3. Tel: 6825573 in Ülemiste Centre in Tallinn, large-Sõjamäe 4

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